3 simple steps Nothing BUt Flavor

Going to G-ma’s for the southern spin on holiday meals…pop’s putting the family sauce on the BBQ during the summer…heading to the Soul Food spot for a plate of sides…its just something about our “flavor” that’s unique – therefore our tasting grid should  be too.

“Descriptions That Match Our Palate"

We've all grown up raised eating certain types of food, and drinking certain types of drinks. With these inherently come seasonings, ingredients, spices and smells along with the turf. Although your momma makes it different than my momma, the fact is, they are starting with the same basic foundation. Likewise, descriptions are all based on 3 foundations - LOOK - SMELL - TASTE.

1 - Look

Just describe what you see, and compare it to something else the people that you’re talking to will understand. The wine red-good start?  But…red like Hawaiian Punch, McDonald’s Ketchup, Cherry or Watermelon Now-and-Laters…be descriptive, be creative, be you.

2 - Smell

Don’t say what you think people want to hear, forget about the drinks.  We have all spent time in the real world, so tell us what you think it smells like in a real way.  I don’t know what your grandma’s secret recipe for grits smells like.  But if you said that Chardonnay smells like cornbread with butter, we all know what that smells like.

3 - Taste

Lets be real, things usually smell how they taste.  If it smells like shit, odds are – guess what, its probably going to taste the same.  With that being said, there are times where one is pleasantly surprised.  However, if you’re making the comparison between a drink and something no one has ever tasted, its useless.

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Bringing it Home

Now that you’ve taken the three steps, bring it all home and give your opinion about what you thought – more importantly WHY?  If its just “arite” what could have made it better?  On the other hand, if its “fire,” what would have made it worse?    

our notes

The Tasting Grid well seasoned for our flavor.  

Their Notes

Standardized professional industry tasting descriptors.